Page last reviewed: 16 August 2022

Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) external emergency plans and Major Accident Hazard Pipeline (MAHP) Plan 

The local chemical industry is an important feature of our lives and landscape.

The industry has had a significant presence in the county for many years with major companies providing jobs for generations of residents and helping to produce goods and materials that we all use in our everyday lives.

Of course, the safety of the community has always been a priority for the local authorities, emergency services, the Health and Safety Executive, health services and the various chemical industries who are committed to improve emergency procedures, by drawing on a wealth of experience and best practice. The chemical industry is one of the most closely regulated in the country and also one of the safest, but the emergency planning partners believe in preparing carefully just in case the unexpected does happen.

Although accidents and emergency incidents are rare, the industry and authorities concerned go to great lengths to make sure that if an incident does happen, it can be dealt with effectively and local communities alerted and protected. These plans ensure that all response and recovery arrangements are implemented effectively.

The aim of the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH) is to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances and limit the consequences to people and the environment of any that do occur.

Page last reviewed: 16 August 2022