Page last reviewed: 20 February 2024

Safer Cheshire East Partnership ( SCEP )

Safer Cheshire East Partnership logo

Community Safety Partnerships are a statutory requirement under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.  The Safer Cheshire East Partnership (SCEP) brings partners together including Cheshire East Council, Police, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Probation Services, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Health and the Voluntary Sector to provide strategic leadership to reduce crime and provide reassurance to communities that Cheshire East is a safe place to live and work. 

The Safer Cheshire East Partnership includes:

SCEP priorities

SCEP meetings take place quarterly and partners work collaboratively to plan on how best to tackle issues of Community Safety. Data and information provided by key agencies produces a 3 Year Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) which is reviewed annually to ensure a focus is provided on the priorities identified across the borough and resources are appropriately allocated to impact on outcomes ensuring Cheshire East is a safer place to live and work.

Partnership Plan

Following the Strategic Intelligence Assessment for 2022-2025, the following Community Safety priorities were identified to form the  SCEP Partnership Plan:

SCEP Annual Report 2022-2023

The Safer Cheshire East Partnership is pleased to provide their Annual Report for 2022-2023 (PDF, 570KB) which includes information on the projects and activity delivered against its identified Community Safety priorities.

Serious Violence Duty

Combating Drugs Partnership

The Council is working to support the Governments drugs strategy and has established a Cheshire East Combating Drugs Partnership (CECDP). The partnership includes a wide range of local agencies with a focus to deliver against the national strategy’s priorities to break supply chains, deliver a world class treatment and recovery system and achieve a shift in demand for drugs.

The following report provides information on the functions of the CECDP , the progress made to date and further details of how this work links to the wider Strategy.

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Following the tragic murder of Sarah Everard, SCEP addressed ways in which conditions could be improved across the borough for women and girls feeling safe. Working closely with the Police and the Police and Crime Commissioners Office, a multi-agency Action Plan has been established by SCEP partners including work and projects being delivered to address concerns raised by local residents and themes identified in the Cheshire Police Strategy focussed on VIAWG.

Information videos

Message to perpetrators
Message to perpetrators

Supt Jesson of Cheshire Constabulary discussing the consequences for perpetrators who commit violence against women and girls.

Keeping women safe
Keeping women safe

Supt Jesson of Cheshire Constabulary highlighting the work that is been undertaken to help women and girls keep and feel safe in the community.

Good Sam App
Good Sam App

Supt Jesson of Cheshire Constabulary outlining the benefits of the “Good Sam App” that allows officers to have live face to face contact via mobile devices.

Reporting crime
Reporting crimes

Supt Jesson of Cheshire Constabulary discussing the importance of the community reporting crimes or incidents to the Police.

Safety bus
Safety bus

Supt Jesson of Cheshire Constabulary promoting the new Safety Buses that are been deployed across Cheshire to offer additional support to those enjoying the night time economy.

Measures in place in bars
Measures in place in bars

Highlighting some of the measures that pubs, clubs and bars are putting into place to create a safer environment.

Domestic Homicide Reviews

Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) came into effect on 13 April 2011. They were established on a statutory basis under section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Adults Act (2004). The Safer Cheshire East Partnership has the responsibility for establishing domestic homicide reviews within Cheshire East.

Following the completion of a domestic homicide review and approval from the Home Office Quality Assurance Panel; SCEP are required to publish the anonymised executive summary and action plans.

Please see below a copy of the Executive Summary for the Domestic Homicide Review completed by Cheshire East in respect of PAM.

Executive Summary DHR for Pam (PDF, 528KB)

SCEP works alongside other multi-agency partnerships

SCEP recognise that effective partnership working across other local multi-agency networks and boards is essential.  SCEP works with other local strategic partnerships to improve outcomes for communities and make sure that local resources are used efficiently and effectively across Cheshire East. Key partner boards include:

Health (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)

Health and Wellbeing Boards have a duty to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for their area. The  JSNA identifies health and social care needs, how well these are being met and opportunities for improvement to inform decision-making. The JSNA work programme also includes a range of reviews into particular health and wellbeing challenges, and also a range of overview documents.

The health of the population is not just determined by health care services, but is also closely linked to the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. Taking every opportunity to promote healthier places is vital in improving health and wellbeing. It is also key to addressing the differences of experience in health and wellbeing (health inequalities) seen across Cheshire East and reaching those most at risk of poor health

Page last reviewed: 20 February 2024