Page last reviewed: 30 April 2024

Rural Cheshire East

The rural aspect of Cheshire East is important in terms of population, economic impact and its contribution to the borough’s Quality of Place. It helps to define the character of the place. The quality of its natural environment and excellent location, combined with factors such as high educational attainment and employment opportunities, ensure that Cheshire East is a place offering a high quality of life to its residents and is an attractive place to do business; a place where people want to live, work and visit.

As part of delivering its Corporate Plan outcomes, the Council seeks a thriving and sustainable place with thriving and active rural communities. The Rural Action Plan builds upon previous work by the Council to support its Rural area, identifying actions for the period 2022/2023 -2025/2026. This plan provides a framework that supports consideration of policy and strategic direction for the rural area, positioning the Council to be able to respond to changes at national and local level.

The Rural action plan 2022 -2026 was approved by Cheshire East Council’s Economy and Growth Committee on 13 September 2022:

The plan builds on the progress achieved through the Council’s Rural Action Plan for the period 2018/2019 -2021/22:

Page last reviewed: 30 April 2024