Highway boundary extents

You would use a highway boundary extent search to find the highway boundary area of an adopted road. An adopted road is a highway maintained at public expense.

When you would use a boundary extent

Confirmation of the boundary is often requested during the house purchasing or conveyancing process. For example to find out whether a property is connected to a public road without the need to cross land owned by a third party.

It is also useful for planning applications, identifying the boundary of the highway, and to confirm responsibility for verge areas.

What we can or can't supply

Before you apply it is important to note the following restrictions:

  • We only hold information on adopted roads. You can check if a road is adopted by using our online adopted roads gazetteer
  • We are unable to confirm if a property abuts a public highway
  • Any information relating to public rights of way will need to be directed to our Public Rights of Way team
  • Any requests for Section 38 (adoption agreement) documentation will need to be directed to landchargeseast@cheshireeast.gov.uk
  • We do not hold information on roads we do not maintain (unadopted or private roads). For further information consult your house deeds and/or the Land Registry.

How to apply

We have made the application process as simple as possible. The form should take around 5-10 minutes to complete. You need to complete the form for each request. 

In order to qualify as one search, the length of highway requested must be either continual or each unconnected section of highway requested must be less than 50m apart.

You will need the following before you can submit your application:

  • search location road names
  • plan of the intended search location clearly identifying the lengths of adopted highway you require extent information for
  • contact details
Apply for a highway boundary search

How much does it cost?

Search costs are calculated based on the total length of the sections of the road being searched and whether it is for residential or commercial purposes. You will be charged by the metre so only mark on your plan the road sections you require.

See our fees and charges

Once you have completed your application, we will send you a quote by email within 20 working days. Your quote will be based on your submitted plans. We will contact you if we need further information. 

Pay for your search

You will need the

  • reference number from your quotation
  • the cost
  • a credit or debit card to make payment
Pay for highway boundary extent search

Your quote is valid for 28 days. If we do not receive the payment within 28 days, your quote will become invalid and you will need to submit a new application.

Next steps

When we have received your payment, we will reply to you by email within 20 working days. This will include a map illustrating the boundaries and a supporting letter.

Contact Highways

Report a problem online

If you consider a highways issue to be dangerous, or an emergency:

Call the Highways Customer Services Team on 0300 123 5020
during office hours 8:30am – 5:00pm

Call the Out of hours team on 0300 123 5025
after 5pm and before 8:30am, including weekends.

Floor 6
Delamere House

Delamere Street Crewe


Page last reviewed: 10 February 2025