Page last reviewed: 07 June 2024

Moving a street light

Street lighting column re-location

You can apply to have a street lighting column moved on the highway for the following reasons:

  • vehicle access crossing
  • property renovation or extension
  • property accessibility

Moving a streetlight can be complicated as the layout has been designed in accordance with the local environment, power supply and type of road. We need to consider all these things when assessing your request to relocate a street light column.

See the location of our street lights on a map.

We can only consider relocation applications of street lighting columns from and to adopted highway locations. For columns on an unadopted highway you will need to contact the landowner. On newer estates this may be the developer.

You must own the property and the cost of replacing the column will be at your own expense and the work will be carried out by Cheshire East Highways or our Contractors. You must not instruct a third party to carry out this type of work.

Before you apply for a column re-location:

Before you apply you should check our Highway programme of works to see if there are any works planned for your street. Our programmes can change for a variety of reasons and the lists are not exhaustive, so you should use them only as a reference. 

Apply to move a street light:

To make an application for a column re-location:

You must include:

  • a plan of the site (example sketch plan) including the existing Column Location and desired new Column Location.
  • photographs of the site
  • your application fee of £284.35 this covers the cost of processing the application form, site visit and technical checks. 

You can pay the fee by card as part of the form. The fee is non-refundable regardless of whether approval is granted or declined. We can only provide a decision or advice after the application fee has been paid.

The form will take 5 minutes to complete.

Apply for a street lighting re-location

The highways team will advise whether your application is 

  • approved 
  • approved subject to conditions
  • rejected

If your application is successful, we will provide a quotation for the work to relocate the column. This quote will be valid for 30 days and the quote will list all work included.

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Report a problem with a street light

See our street lighting page to report a problem with a street light.

Page last reviewed: 07 June 2024