Bridges and road structures
We are responsible for managing most Cheshire East bridges, underpasses, culverts and retaining walls on, under or next to roads. Some bridges and structures are maintained by other organisations.
We also cover man-made embankments, cuttings and other engineered earthworks along roads (where owned by Cheshire East).
In emergencies we can respond to problems on roads caused by earth movements such as mudslides even where we do not own the land that is the source of the problem. The owner of the land will be responsible for the costs.
Report a bridge or roadside structure issue
For emergencies, call either 0300 123 5020 (weekdays 8.30am to 5pm excluding bank holidays) or 0300 123 5025 (weekdays after 5pm and before 8.30am, weekends and bank holidays).
Where the situation is not urgent, email the structures team to report issues with bridges and roadside structures or where earth movements have affected the road.
Public rights of way
For structures carrying or affecting a Public Right of Way (PRoW) rather than a road, see public rights of way.
Issues with bridges and structures we are not responsible for
Some bridges and structures have notices on them stating who to contact about issues. For railway bridges, contact Network Rail. If the location is a canal bridge, you may need to contact the Canal and River Trust. If you do not know who to contact, you can contact us and we will pass on information to the relevant owner if we know who they are.
Maintaining bridges and structures
We regularly inspect all the bridges and road structures that we are responsible for. From the results of these inspections we develop an ongoing programme of work to make sure bridges and structures stay safe and functional. This work includes steady state maintenance, strengthening, and replacement.
We also check after any incidents that might cause damage, such as where a vehicle has collided with a structure.
We regularly remove vegetation and debris and unblock drainage systems.
Weight restrictions
We monitor how much weight bridges and structures can take safely. We put new weight restrictions in place where needed.
Contact Highways
Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online
If you consider a highways issue to be dangerous, or an emergency:
Call the Highways Customer Services Team on 0300 123 5020
during office hours 8:30am – 5:00pm
Call the Out of hours team on 0300 123 5025
after 5pm and before 8:30am, including weekends.
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Page last reviewed: 23 August 2024
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