Speeding and traffic calming
We work with the police, communities and town and parish councils to manage traffic speeds in Cheshire East.
Report speeding
Speeding and dangerous driving is a matter for the police. Dial 101 or use the Cheshire Police online report a traffic incident tool.
Practical measures to reduce speeding
Where the police find evidence of an ongoing speeding problem that practical measures might help with, they contact us.
We decide what measures to take to tackle speeding problems based on evidence. We regularly review collision data to identify possible sites for road safety improvements.
We prioritise projects that have the greatest potential to reduce serious accidents.
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Engineered traffic calming measures
Where engineering measures might help slow speeds, we consider what will be most effective. We also need to be sure that any measures won't add new problems. For example, speed bumps can slow down emergency vehicles, increase traffic noise, and damage cars so we have to consider whether they are necessary.
Speed cameras
You can find out about existing Cheshire East speed cameras at the Cheshire Road Safety Group website.
We work closely with the police on decisions about speed cameras. We don't take direct requests from the public for speed cameras. This is because we and the police need to assess each problem location in detail.
New speed cameras are a measure of last resort. We only consider new cameras where the location satisfies a number of criteria. These criteria include evidence from the latest available three-year fatal and serious injury collision data.
Lowering the speed limit
Where a lower speed limit is suggested as a way to improve road safety, we use the guidelines in our Speed Management Strategy. The Strategy follows guidance from the Department for Transport. The guidelines set out what criteria a location must meet to qualify for a speed limit reduction.
Depending on where the stretch of road is, criteria can also include:
- the number of bends
- the number of access junctions (we can't normally lower the limit just to help one access junction)
- how the road is used - for example, is it mainly for local access?
- how much development there is on the particular stretch of road
- how much pedestrian activity takes place
- how many vulnerable road users (for example, children or older people) use the road
- whether a lower limit would encourage more people to walk or cycle
For more details of the criteria for lowering the speed limit, see section 7.8 of our Speed Management Strategy (PDF, 1MB).
We also look at collision data to see what accidents have happened and what caused them.
Repeater speed limit signs
By law, we are not allowed to put up repeater signs in 30mph roads where there is a system of street lights. The Highway Code states that where there are street lights, there is a 30 mph limit unless otherwise signed.
We can consider putting up repeater signs on roads with other speed limits.
Vehicle Activated Signs
A Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) may be an option where:
- there is a history of collisions associated with inappropriate speed
- there is a safe and practical place to put one
Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)
Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) are mobile signs designed to alert drivers of their speed. If the police have identified a speed issue at a particular spot, they may consider putting a SID there on a temporary basis.
Community SpeedWatch groups
Where we as a council can't help, you could consider forming a Community SpeedWatch group.
Community SpeedWatch groups can be set up in any village, small town, or urban area where the speed limit is 40 mph or less.
To find out about starting a Community Speedwatch group, contact your local policing unit.
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Page last reviewed: 03 September 2024
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