Housing options and social housing guide


How to make a social housing application

We do not have any council housing of our own but we are partnered with The Guinness Partnership, Plus Dane Group and Peaks and Plains Housing Trust. 

To make an application, visit the Cheshire Homechoice website to apply and use the following steps.

  1. Register - First you need to register on the Cheshire Homechoice website (if you are not confident about using the internet you can contact us on 0300 123 5017 Option 1 Monday to Friday, 10:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm.
  2. Evidence - You may be asked to supply supporting evidence before your application and access to Cheshire Homechoice is activated.
  3. Banding – Your application will receive a priority band from A to E, A being the highest.
  4. Search – Using the Cheshire Homechoice website search each week to see what properties are available.
  5. Bid - You can bid (express an interest) for up to two properties at a time. Your bid does not require money, the bids will be ordered by priority banding and waiting time.
  6. Assessment - The landlord of the property will work through the list of bids; they will make assessments on the suitability of a home to your needs and if you can afford the rent. 
  7. Offer – You will have an interview and an opportunity to view the home. 
  8. Paperwork- If you accept the offer of a home the landlord for the property will guide you through the formal and legal paperwork.

How social housing applications are assessed

Each application for social housing is assessed and awarded a priority banding between A and E, A being the highest and most urgent priority. You can view the social housing allocations policy (PDF, 384KB) to see how properties are allocated in Cheshire East.

In brief the priority bandings are as follows:

Band A

  • Statutorily homeless
  • Armed forces personnel with a housing need and serious disability

Band B

  • Under homeless prevention or relief duty 
  • Significant overcrowding or poor property condition
  • Ready to leave commissioned supported accommodation
  • At a significant risk of harm or detriment in your current home
  • Care Leavers or armed forces personnel with additional housing need

Band C+

  • Homeless or at risk of homeless with no duty owed

Band C

  • Overcrowded
  • Under occupation of social housing
  • Your home is impacting on a medical condition
  • Your home is impacting on your welfare

Band D

  • You do not meet any of the above criteria

Band E

  • Reduced priority

Other social rented accommodation

Not all Housing Associations are partners with Cheshire Homechoice. You can refer to or other registered social landlords page for further information on social housing to rent in the borough. These have their own application process. 

Page last reviewed: 24 December 2024