Preventing and relieving homelessness

Our primary aim is to prevent homelessness where possible. There are multiple tools the Housing Options Team may use to resolve your housing situation. Any options applicable to you will be included within your Personalised Housing Plan and agreed between you and your Homelessness and Prevention Officer whilst you’re under the Prevention Duty.

Types of assistance to help you remain in your current home

Mediation and negotiation

This might apply if you’re living with family and have been asked to leave or in a private rented property and your landlord has issued you with a notice.

We may ask to meet or speak to your relatives or your landlord directly to find out why you’re being asked to leave. We will see if  if we can mediate between you and them with the goal of reaching an agreement that allows you to stay. This could include making a contract of expectations between you and the relatives or landlord. 

All officers have experience in mediation and negotiation, and 2 have extra training in this type of work.

Debt advice

This might apply if you’re living in a mortgaged, private or socially rented property and are being repossessed and evicted.

If it’s identified that you have been experiencing difficulties with debts we would seek to get a full picture of your situation and the level of debt involved.

Once we have a detailed picture of your debts we would then seek to put you in touch with local organisations which specialise in debt advice casework and management with the ultimate aim that such intervention would enable you to remain in your accommodation.

Maximising income

This could apply to you if you’re currently living with family or friends, or in a mortgaged, private or socially rented home.

As we’re assessing your situation we might identify that you are not claiming all of the benefits you’re entitled to or there may be a problem with your income such as your benefits may have stopped and you don’t know why.

If we identify you’re not claiming the correct benefits we would provide the necessary advice and assistance to maximise your income as soon as possible which would then enable you to afford where you’re currently staying.

If your benefits have been stopped we may be able to find out why they’ve been stopped and put actions into your Personalised Housing Plan which can get any issues resolved as soon as possible.

Resolving rent or mortgage arrears

This could apply if you’re currently living in a mortgaged, private or socially rented home.

If rent or mortgage arrears are identified to be a problem we have dedicated Money Advice and Welfare Officers who would be able to provide you with the necessary advice and assistance to resolve the issues. The Money Advice Officer would also be able to attend court with you and negotiate with your landlord or lender during the hearing to either prevent the eviction or to acquire more time in the property.

Experiencing domestic abuse

If you are experiencing domestic abuse we can put you in touch with organisations such as the Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub. They can provide a domestic abuse worker to support you and help you stay safe in your current property. Options include strengthening security at the property and arranging an injunction. 

Direct financial assistance

If it’s identified that you may be able to remain in your current accommodation with a one off payment, your housing officer may be able to make an application to our Homelessness Prevention Fund, which can be discussed with your Homechoice and Prevention Officer. This payment must be in combination with other prevention options such as negotiating with your landlord or resolving rent arrears.

Types of assistance to help you find alternative accommodation

Private rented accommodation

Private rented accommodation is one of the main options available to both prevent and relieve homelessness. It can provide more choice for individuals and households to stay in certain locations and it can usually be quicker to secure than other forms of accommodation.

Our Private Sector Liaison Officer works with landlords and letting agencies to find suitable alternative accommodation options. We have an established landlord offer and landlord accreditation scheme which rewards landlords who maintain their accommodation to a higher standard.

Social rented accommodation

Although Cheshire East Council doesn’t own any accommodation we do maintain the Housing Register for the borough which is called Cheshire Homechoice. Cheshire Homechoice operates as partnership between all the main registered housing providers operating in the borough and allocates everyone who applies a banding between A and E based on their housing need. Bandings are allocated based under a common allocations policy.

Once registered individuals wishing to be rehoused are required to logon to the Homechoice website and express an interest or bid on suitable accommodation in the areas of their choice. See the Cheshire Homechoice website for more information.

Supported accommodation

The Housing Options Team commissions various lower level supported accommodation projects across the borough. This type of accommodation is ideal to provide short or medium term support for individuals and households who may have experienced difficulties maintaining their previous accommodation. The accommodation can last for up to six months at a time but the projects main aims are to provide support to move people on into their own suitable accommodation when the support workers feel they are ready for move on.

Contact us if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless

Contact us

0300 123 5017

Page last reviewed: 03 April 2018