Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024

Self-build and custom build housing

We keep a register of people and associations who are seeking to acquire a serviced plot of land to build their own home in Cheshire East. The purpose of the register is to help us to understand the demand for serviced plots by providing data to inform our decision making.

serviced plot has access to the public highway and connections for electricity, water and waste water.

We are the Planning Authority for most of Cheshire East except for the north eastern extremity.  The Peak District National Park is the Planning Authority for the north eastern extremity and they have their own register.

The self-build and custom build register

The register is in two parts.

  • Part 1 is the register of people and associations who want to custom build or self build and can prove a local connection. 

Our duty is to grant permission for enough suitable serviced plots of land to meet the demand shown on our Part 1 register, within 3 years of the year they are registered. It is not to permit a serviced plot for each registrant.  

The last day in October is the end and start of the register year (known as 'base periods').

  • Part 2 is a register of people who want to custom or self build in Cheshire East who cannot prove a local connection.

We must consider the Part 2 register when we carry out our general planning, housing, land disposal and regeneration functions. 

Apply to join the register

To apply to join the self build register complete the below online form. The form will take 2 minutes to complete.

 Apply to join the self-build register

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

You must pay a fee of £29.00 that covers the council’s administrative costs. 

You must be

  • aged 18 or over
  • a British citizen, a national of an  EEA state other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland
  • seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in Cheshire East to build a house to occupy as that individual's sole or main residence.

To prove a local connection you will need to  

  • live in Cheshire East or
  • work in Cheshire East or
  • have an offer of employment in Cheshire East or
  • be a serving member of the regular armed forces of the Crown

If you do not meet the requirements of the local connection test you will be placed on Part 2 of the register. 

Benefits of registering

We will send you a regular newsletter with information on how we are supporting self-build and custom housebuilding. This could include changes to planning policy, land disposal decisions and major planning applications/projects led by the council involving self-build.

Current performance

The council is currently meeting its legal duties regarding self-build. Details can be found within Chapter 9 of our latest Authority Monitoring Report.

Contact Strategic Housing and Development


Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024