This is a vital team within the service, carefully managing development and planning applications to improve our built environment. The work here involves negotiating to secure the delivery of sustainable development through pre-application advice and guidance and managing the life cycle of planning applications from inception through to discharge of conditions, and any associated appeal work
Our experienced planning enforcement team investigates complaints and suspected breaches of planning control which might include development taking place without the benefit of planning permission and breaches of planning conditions. Our enforcement professionals carry out appeal work and liaise closely with our legal colleagues when enforcement action is needed.
This creative and supportive team of experts includes urban designers, conservation officers, landscape architects, arboricultural officers, and ecologists. They provide consultation responses on planning applications alongside more specialist advice to the wider council and public. Such work includes tree protection orders and associated applications, policy support, reviewing and designating conservation areas and improving the environmental performance of development by (for example) securing biodiversity net gain and sustainable urban drainage
This important team looks after the management and monitoring of legal agreements and Community Infrastructure Levy to ensure that appropriate mitigation and infrastructure monies are delivered from applications.
As a crucial team, planning support provides administrative and technical support for the whole Service. This includes planning application validation and registration, land charges, street naming and numbering. The team also provide a direct response for dealing with customer enquiries and customer engagement whilst managing ICT systems.
Our colleagues in this fantastic team look to the future and ensure the council has robust and up to date planning policies to guide and manage new development and infrastructure across the Borough. This includes preparing statutory plans such as the Cheshire East Local Plan, supplementary planning documents and other guidance. Work closely with local communities to enable delivery of Neighbourhood Plans and liaison with other councils and the wider sub-region to enable economic, social and environmental interactions.
This dedicated team provides professional assessment of Building Regulation applications and notices, all aspects of advice and support, as well as enforcement. They provide immediate response to reports of dangerous structures