Page last reviewed: 26 February 2018

Support for working people


Redundancy can be a worrying time.  The website provides information on what to expect from your employer and gives details of where to find additional help with redundancy issues, including finding out what benefits you will be entitled too and finding a new job.

Getting help finding new employment

There are many ways that Jobcentre Plus can help you with your search for work: They advertise jobs, support you to get a job and can tell you about the benefits you may be eligible for, while working, such as Tax Credits.

JobcentrePlus have Britain's largest database of job vacancies which can be accessed by visiting the website or telephoning 0845 6060 234.

Risk of losing your home

Housing Options at Cheshire East Council are able to provide tailored advice and assistance to anyone who is at risk of losing their home.  

How to claim Housing or Council Tax benefit

The Council's  benefits webpage provides information and advice for people on low incomes that maybe eligible to claim Housing and Council Tax benefits.

Claiming Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits

The HM Revenue and Customs website provides information on tax credits and how they can help you and your family.

Careers advice

Whether you are in work or unemployed, the National Career Service can offer you independent advice to help plan your career, improve your skills through work-related and management training or university courses and develop your job possibilities.

For further information, please visit the National Career Service website or telephone 0800 100 900.

Debt or legal advice

The Government supports a range of organisations and charities who offer free, independent, and confidential advice to people with money worries and debt difficulties. These include:

Further information on how to deal with debt problems and  the independent sources of advice and support available, can be found on the website.

Page last reviewed: 26 February 2018