Fountain Fields, Middlewich

On 1 April 2024 our Green Spaces Maintenance Standards policy came into effect. To find out how this green space is maintained, view the full policy and maintenance schedules.

Queen Street
CW10 9AR

*Postcode for Sat Nav purposes

Map location

Fountain fields park

Facilities and Information

  • Play area - includes a roundabout that is designed to be wheelchair accessible
  • Multi-use games area (MUGA)
  • Outdoor gym equipment
  • Seating
  • Gardens and grassed area suitable for free play and picnic

Contact us

Report an issue - for example, broken playground equipment, benches, gates, fences or other grounds maintenance issues in parks and play areas.

For all other queries, email park enquiries.

Phone: 0300 123 5011

Page last reviewed: 28 May 2024