
Tegg’s Nose Bilberry Pick

Sunday, 20 July 2025.

Tegg’s Nose Bilberry Pick


Healthy, organic, tasty and free. Bilberry, blueberry, blaeberry, whin; whatever you want to call them they grow wild all over Tegg’s Nose Country Park and all you have to do is bring a container and get picking.

Totally Wild UK, will be on hand to explain the best places to look and will provide more information about where to source great local food. They’ll also be showing you how to make your own bilberry jam!

There is no charge to join us to pick bilberries during the event but if you would like to participate in the jam making, please book a place for the event so we can ensure we have enough jam pans and sugar.

Please bring your own 200ml jar as we will not be providing these!

Cost for jam making £1.00 per person. Suitable for anyone over the age of 5.


Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm.

Leader(s): Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Martin James and Totally Wild UK

More information:

01625 374833

Booking for Jam Making: Book tickets for Bilberry Pick Jam Making


  • Car parking charge
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Ideal for families and accompanied children
  • Moderate walking grade
  • Partnership event
  • Places limited - please book in advance
  • Please leave your dog at home
  • Please wear suitable boots and clothing
  • Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments
  • There is a charge for this event

Meeting point

Tegg’s Nose Country Park Visitor Centre, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)

Page last reviewed: 20/08/2024