
Tegg’s Nose Country Park Halloween Trail

Saturday, 25 October 2025 to Sunday, 2 November 2025.

Tegg’s Nose Country Park Halloween Trail


Some spooky visitors are visiting the park this half-term! Can you explore the park and find them all?

Purchase a map from The Nose Coffee inside the Tegg's Nose Visitor Centre, for 50p, and get searching around the top of the park. Once you've completed the trail come back to The Nose Coffee for 50p off your food and / or drink order.

Maps available to collect between 9.00am to 4.00pm between the 25th of October and 2nd November. Please bring a pen / pencil with you.


From: 9:00am, Saturday, 25 October 2025.

To: 4:00pm, Sunday, 2 November 2025.

Leader(s): Cheshire East Council Countryside Ranger Service and The Nose Coffee

More information:

01625 374833


  • Car parking charge
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Healthy walk / Event
  • Ideal for families and accompanied children
  • Moderate walking grade
  • Partnership event
  • Please wear suitable boots and clothing
  • Refreshment stop, opportunity for refreshments
  • There is a charge for this event

Meeting point

The Nose Coffee, Tegg's Nose Visitor Centre, Tegg's Nose Country Park, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield, SK11 0AP (SJ950733)

Page last reviewed: 20/08/2024