Libraries strategy consultation

The aim of the libraries consultation/strategy

We have to make significant savings in libraries over the next two years. We are proposing a way forward with this consultation/draft strategy and asking the public to provide their feedback.  

The proposed tiering system for libraries

We're proposing a tiered system for libraries that mirrors how many other councils are already operating their own sites. This provides opportunities for us to deliver library and other council services in a much more joined up way.

This may allow us to invest in our busier sites, explore how we can use them to generate income, and to use new technologies so library services are more accessible to our residents.

Why we cannot continue operating our libraries in the same way

We have to make savings in library services of more than £600k over the next two years to support the council’s medium-term financial strategy (MTFS) 2024-2028. The MTFS needs to achieve budget savings of £100 million to continue offering support to Cheshire East’s most vulnerable residents.

Working with other organisations to support library services

We already work closely with two town councils in Cheshire East who fund additional opening hours at two of our larger libraries. We have agreement from other town and parish councils to support library services moving forward through “top up” funding and the use of parish council volunteers to provide access to some parts of the service outside of “staffed hours”.

As part of this consultation, we are seeking views on service delivery models that are used in other local authorities to deliver library services. We are also working collaboratively with colleagues in other Cheshire East services and partner organisations to maximise access to a range of other services in local communities by using library buildings.

Making a decision on the future of our libraries

The consultation is live now and people can have their say on our draft strategy up until the consultation closes on Sunday 15 September.

When the consultation closes, we will consider all the feedback before developing the proposals and taking these to the council’s environment and communities committee in November 2024. A report on the outcome of the consultation will be made available on our website.

Why we want to hear what you have to say

This is a vitally important consultation on the future of how we run our libraries in Cheshire East. We know that a large number of people visit our libraries each year for a wide range of purposes. As a result, there will be many different views and opinions and we want to capture as many of these as possible.

Feedback really can make a difference

Proposals are often amended based on feedback from consultations. For example, in the recent Strategic Leisure Review proposals to close four leisure centres in Cheshire East were reversed. Alternative service delivery models were put in place and service savings found elsewhere. In the 2023 library service consultation, feedback influenced the number of opening hours due to be lost resulting in a half day opening being reinstated at the majority of libraries.

Make sure you have your say.

Libraries strategy consultation

When things will change and what happens next

After the consultation closes, all responses will be analysed and proposals will be amended as required, a report will go to the Council’s Environment and Communities Committee in November 2024 for a final decision. It is anticipated that changes would take place from January 2025.

Page last reviewed: 02 August 2024