Page last reviewed: 16 September 2024

Books and reading information

We hope you will find the following links useful, but note that Cheshire East Council accepts no responsibility for external sites or their contents.

Books and reading groups

Books for children

Books in other languages

  • We have French, German, Italian and Spanish books available to request from our central bookstore
  • Library members can download e-books in other languages from BorrowBox and a range of e-magazines in other languages via Libby - download the free apps or browse online
  • We also have dual language picture books for loan and can request free dual language picture books in over 30 languages from BookTrust for the customer to keep
  • We can also get a selection of books of other languages through our interlibrary loans service. There is no charge for this service. Please ask in your local library for more information
  • Ukraine Unlimited Learning Entertainment and learning platform from Odilo. Ukrainian students, teachers and families can access 3,000 e-books and audiobooks, including 1,700 Ukrainian titles and 500 in English. Free apps available: Ukraine Unlimited Learning for Android and Ukraine Unlimited Learning for Apple


eBooks and eAudiobooks

  • Bionic Reading Free app available that supports people who find reading difficult for whatever reason
  • Library members can access free ebooks and audiobooks (subscription service, free to library members)
  • Find free audiobooks on BBC Sounds
  • Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) - free talking books service with over 25,000 titles. Available as digital downloads or by post on DAISY CD or USB stick. Braille and giant print books also available, as well as music scores, and newspapers and magazines in a range of formats



Page last reviewed: 16 September 2024