Early years forum - information for practitioners

The purpose of the Early Years Forum is to work as a multi-agency team to drive inclusive early support for our youngest children (0-4) with identified SEND needs.

Early Years Forum members will consist of representatives from Education, Health, and Social Care. Members will monitor children’s progress working alongside parents/ carers, settings, and other professionals to recommend types of provision or, in cases where children have complex needs, will make a recommendation for a Needs Assessment. Early Years Forum will capture parent/ carer views and ensure decisions are made based on a child or young person’s needs in co-production with families.

Most referrals to the Early Years Forum will be from health professionals. Always check with the Forum to see if they are already aware of a child with SEND at your setting. Early years settings should refer children to the Forum where it is believed that a child may have SEND following the graduated response.

If the Forum are unaware of a child at your setting with SEND, press the button to complete the Early Years Forum setting referral form.

This should be done with the knowledge and agreement of the child’s parent(s). Please upload a copy of the knowledge and agreement form signed by the child’s parent/carer when submitting the Early Years Forum setting referral form.

Early years forum setting referral form

Forum meetings will be held in both the North and South localities.

The date forms are received informs which monthly Forum the referral will be viewed and discussed.

If you are unsure which locality your setting is based, email Earlyyearsforum@cheshireeast.gov.uk to check whether a referral should meet the North or South Forum deadlines shown below.

Early years forum monthly deadlines
 ForumNorth forum referral deadline South forum referral deadline 
August No Forum No Forum
September 27 August 24 3 September 24
October 1 October 24 8 October 24
November 29 October 24 5 November 24
December 21 November 24 26 November 24

Email: earlyyearsforum@cheshireeast.gov.uk for more information.

Page last reviewed: 11 July 2024

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