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Enter your email address to get information and service updates from the Cheshire East 0-25 SEND Partnership
Update on the deficit in Cheshire East Council's high needs school funding or dedicated school grant
Discover more about the application process for applying for a 2024 secondary school place for those with an education health and care plan
We want your views on our refreshed SEND strategy – deadline 11 August
Young people aged 12+ are invited to drop in and talk to services such as colleges, leisure activity and health providers, and support organisations.
SENDing you the news is an e-newsletter from the Cheshire East 0-25 SEND Partnership.
Cheshire East Council has been invited to be part of the Delivering Better Value programme that was announced by the Department for Education.
Congratulations to our youth justice service.
Last year, the company – Siemens, who are based in Congleton, worked with us on the supported internship programme.
Springfield School, in Crewe, has been selected as one of the three shortlisted nominees for the School of Year Award.
Thank you to everyone who helped us to gather views on the recent government SEND green paper consultation.
Over 300 delegates attended our first face to face SEND conference for over two years during the summer.
The Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT) is a small multi-disciplinary team of committed professionals.
The Local Offer provides information on support and provision that is available for children and young people with SEND.
So far it has been another brilliant year for supported internships across Cheshire East.
The SEND Youth Forum is a group that any child or young person with additional needs can attend from the age of 13.
If you have news to tell, send a submission to SENDing you the news