Page last reviewed: 31 October 2024

New development - information for developers

Developers should contact the Address Management Team before commencing work on site.

Single or small developments

A single or small development will usually be named or numbered within the existing street. If the property is within a numbered road and there is no spare number available, then often A B C suffixes are used along with the adjoining numbers (for example 12A, 12B, 12C).

If the street has named properties, then the development plot numbers will be used to register the property address. When the new owner chooses a name, we will follow our standard process of Property Name Change.

The information is sent to:

  • emergency services
  • Land Registry
  • Ordnance Survey
  • relevant council services

You will receive a copy of the registered address and ask you to inform your prospective purchasers of their new property address.

Large developments

Developers of a large estate should contact us as soon as you begin or start work on site. We can then process the naming of any new streets and the numbering of your new properties without delay. We check your suggested street names for duplication in the local area. Then forward them to Royal Mail and the Town/Parish Council for consultation.
When we have an agreed name, we will then register the street name/s and prepare a numbering schedule.

The information is sent to:

  • emergency services
  • Land Registry
  • Ordnance Survey
  • relevant council services

We will send you a naming and numbering schedule. You should use this to inform all your prospective purchasers of their new property address.

Street name plates

Where appropriate, you will be asked to provide new street name plates to our standard design. Cheshire East Council can carry out this service and a cost will be provided at the appropriate time.

We will need you to supply:

  • a written request to name and number the new streets on the development
  • a location plan
  • a site layout, preferably in CAD/GIS format fir example dwg or .shp or .tab format
  • if possible written confirmation of the final layout for the purposes of numbering the plots (If this is not possible we will be happy to number the plots as you confirm them)
  • an approximate date of when occupation is expected
  • suggestions for the names of any new streets you would like to be considered (If you prefer the council to propose street names we will be happy to arrange this)

This information will help us to provide an efficient service to you the developer and your customers.

Street naming applications

To apply for new street names and property numbers complete the online form below. The form will take 10 minutes to complete.

 Apply for new street names and property numbers

To apply to re-name or re-number an existing property complete the online form below. The form will take 10 minutes to complete.

 Apply to re-name or re-number an existing property

To apply for a new address on an existing street complete the online form below. The form will take 10 minutes to complete.

 Apply for a new address on an existing street 

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Guidance and policy

New housing estates/blocks of flats/office blocks

Complete development details and plot details, save your file and email to

Activation of postcodes

Royal Mail enters all new properties, name changes and amendments on their "Not yet built" file. This data is not added to the Postal Address File on their website until the postcode is activated. A postcode can be activated when the property is complete and ready for mail delivery.

Royal Mail requires confirmation that the properties are completed/occupied before additions are made to the Postal Address File. This can cause problems for utility connections which are required prior to completion and occupation. Royal Mail will not add an address to the Postcode Address File unless it receives postal deliveries.

It is the applicants/developers responsibility to notify Royal Mail to activate the postcodes. As the development proceeds contact the Address Development Centre at Sunderland on 08456 04 50 60 (Option 3)  to activate the postcodes for connection of services or on completion/occupation of each plot.

Allocation and activation of postcodes

Contact Address Management

01270 686770

Address Management
Development Management
Delamere House
Delamere Street


Page last reviewed: 31 October 2024