Page last reviewed: 06 August 2021

Address management naming and numbering decision process

Your submission will be checked against the entries in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. Consultations will take place with Royal Mail and the Parish/Town Council where appropriate. A decision will be taken by the Council taking account of the outcome of consultations and the Council’s street naming policy.

Each change is processed in the following way:

  1. Completion and submission of the application form by applicant
  2. The Council checks the request against existing records in the Gazetteer.
  3. The change is assessed against the street naming policy.
  4. The Council consults the Royal Mail, Parish/Town Councils and other interested parties.
  5. New street names are decided under delegated powers by the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair of the Environment and Communities Committee and relevant Ward Members. Numbering and naming of properties is decided by the Address Management team in accordance with BS7666 national addressing standards and best practice.
  6. A decision is issued to the applicant and notifications are sent to Royal Mail, Ordnance Survey, Land Registry, emergency services, utility companies and other Council departments.
  7. Approved changes are added to the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and Street Gazetteer.
  8. Changes are submitted regularly to the National Address Gazetteer.

Contact us

01270 686770

Address Management
Development Management
Delamere House
Delamere Street


Page last reviewed: 06 August 2021