Street naming suggestions

We would be pleased to receive suggestions for new street names, particularly those that have some local historical connection. We need supporting information for the name so that we can forward information as to why it has been chosen.

You can suggest a name of a person who has served the local community, but only names of deceased individuals can be used. Suitable suggestions will be kept on the Street Naming Register and we will let you know if your suggestion has been put forward for a "new street" consultation in your area.

To suggest a new street name complete the below online form. The form will take 10 minutes to complete.

 Suggest a street name

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Street re-naming and numbering

On rare occasions it becomes necessary to rename or renumber a street. This is usually only done as a last resort when:

  1. There is confusion over a street’s name and/or numbering
  2. New properties are built in a street and there is a need for other properties to be renumbered to accommodate the new properties
  3. The number of named-only properties in a street is deemed to be causing confusion for visitors, the delivery or emergency services

Existing residents will be contacted and their views taken into account. We will then consult with Royal Mail for their position on the issue. To change a street name we will ballot the local residents on the issue. Hopefully there will be 100% support, but we require at least a two-thirds majority to make the change. This service will incur a fee. See our charging schedule.

Rename existing properties 

You can apply to rename an existing properties if you are the owner. Use the contact details below to make an application. This service will incur a fee. See our charging schedule.

Street name plates

Cheshire East Borough Council has the duty to name and sign streets. This is useful for deliveries and for visitors to the local area but most importantly it is vital in the event of an urgent situation that a street can be located quickly by the emergency services.

New street name plates are provided in a number of ways. On new developments the developer is required to provide street name plates to highways standards. The Council has a small budget to replace damaged or illegible signs and to provide new signs for streets without street name plates.

Report a problem with a street name plate

Street name plates are maintained by Cheshire East Highways, to report missing, damaged or illegible street names plates use our highways reporting system.

Contact us

01270 686770

Address Management
Development Management
Delamere House
Delamere Street


Page last reviewed: 06 October 2023