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A world heritage site (outstanding universal value) Jodrell Bank

We are very proud to have a world heritage site within Cheshire East. Jodrell Bank was inscribed into the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage List in 2019, there are just 32 UNESCO World Heritage sites in the UK. The majority of the landmarks have received the status for their historic and cultural significance, while others are celebrated for their natural beauty. Jodrell Bank, part of The University of Manchester, is the first to be named for its pioneering role in science.

Jodrell Bank is one of the world's leading radio astronomy observatories. At the beginning of its use, in 1945, the property housed research on cosmic rays detected by radar echoes. This observatory, which is still in operation, includes several radio telescopes and working buildings, including engineering sheds and the Control Building.

Applying for planning permission within the Jodrell Bank buffer zone

In the area around Jodrell Bank, there is a need to ensure that new development does not harm the unique heritage significance of the site, or interfere with the telescopes and prevent the observatory from carrying out its work.

Development proposals affecting the Jodrell Bank World Heritage Site must be accompanied by a heritage statement consistent with LPS Policy SE 14 ‘Jodrell Bank’ and HER9 SADPD. Together these policies aim to further protect and positively manage its outstanding universal value.

The draft JBO SPD (PDF, 852KB) will provide further guidance on how applicants should consider the impact of their proposals on Jodrell Bank and how they can demonstrate that they have met the criteria of local plan policies. The document remains in draft form at the current time, having been through one round of public consultation, with further public consultations expected.

Historic England have also developed a guidance note on world heritage more generally.

Contact the Built Heritage team

Email: built.heritage@cheshireeast.gov.uk
Telephone: 0300 123 5014

Page last reviewed: 20 June 2024