Page last reviewed: 04 November 2022

Wistaston Neighbourhood Development Plan

This page contains important documents and links relating to the Wistaston NDP .

Regulation 20 - Made Plan:

The Wistaston NDP was made on the 7 December 2017:

Regulation 19 - Referendum:

The Wistaston NDP passed referendum on the 7 December 2017.

Regulations 17 and 18 - Examination:

The Wistaston NDP  examination began on the 4 September 2017, and closed on the 17 October 2017.

Regulations 15 and 16 - Submitted Plan Consultation:

The Wistaston NDP  regulation 16 consultation began on the 14 June 2017, and closed on the 28 July 2017.

Regulation 14 - Pre-submission Consultation:

The Wistaston NDP  regulation 14 consultation began on the 20 December 2016, and closed on the 31 January 2017.

Regulations 5, 6 and 7 - Neighbourhood Area Designation:

The Wistaston NDP  neighbourhood area consultation began on the 10 February 2015, and closed on the 3 April 2015. The Wistaston NDP  neighbourhood area was designated on the 5 May 2015.

Page last reviewed: 04 November 2022