Page last reviewed: 08 November 2024

Planning Service update

New system for viewing and commenting on planning applications

We have recently changed to a new system for viewing and commenting on planning applications, which operates with completely different functionality to the previous system.

It replaces the old, unsupported technology that was previously being used by our planning service with a system that will allow increased self-serve and reduce officer time and resource spent on manual intervention.

As is often the case with the rollout of any new system, and despite extensive user testing beforehand, some issues with how it is currently operating have been identified since it went live.

We apologise to our customers for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience during the transition to this new system.

We would also like to reassure you that our planning officers continue to consider all documents/comments as part of their normal assessment of applications and the decision-making process itself remains unaffected by this new system rollout.

Identified issues

Microsoft Outlook

We are aware of an issue with some planning application documents and comments that were submitted to the council via Microsoft Outlook before the new system went live.

Some people are being prompted to view these documents/comments by opening or downloading Microsoft Outlook. This should not be the case and we are actively working with the supplier of this new system to try and identify a solution to this.

Applications registered or determined before 17 October 2024

All applications registered or determined before 17 October have been copied across onto the new planning system but currently do not include the date the specific document was added. 

We are working with our supplier to fix this as soon as possible. Any new documents added to the new system will have a date attached to them.

Sorting and filtering documents

We are aware that customers are currently unable to sort and filter documents against the application.  We have raised this matter with our suppliers.

General operational information

Our Planning Service continues to face challenges resulting from a significant increase in planning application submissions and a shortage of resource.

We are continuing to react and bring forward different ways of working and resources as quickly as possible. However, workloads across the service remain high which is affecting response times from Officers which are longer than normal. 

Determining planning applications

While a backlog of applications has significantly reduced, applications are taking 3-6 months to determine, longer for more complex matters.

We understand this is not ideal for our customers and are working hard to reduce the waiting times but would thank you in advance for your patience.

  • We will be asking applicants / agents for extensions of time on applications where necessary.
  • Please monitor the website for comments and consultation responses and await contact from the case officer before asking the Service for an update on your application
  • Please ensure submitted applications include all necessary information for them to be assessed effectively by officers and consultees as this will help avoid further delays.

Commenting on a planning application.

If you are unable to arrange for someone to submit your comments electronically contact our Customer Service team on 0300 123 5014. There may be a delay with comments being published to the website but they will still be received and considered by the planning officer.

Pre-applications services

We are currently not accepting pre-application enquiries for smaller schemes.  Major pre-application requests will however continue, but please anticipate a longer timeframe than our standard service level agreements.

Submissions and payments should be made electronically where possible, postal receipting is limited.  Where possible this will be completed by exchange of electronic information, with any discussion and meetings taking place via Microsoft Teams.

Permitted Development Enquiries

Please do not submit any new Permitted Development Enquiries at this time.

Planning application records and other discretionary services

Historical information associated with a planning application can be requested, these will be made available electronically where possible.

For a History search email quoting the address and providing a location plan with the search area outlined in red. We will forward to you a detailed scale of charges to allow you to confirm how far back you wish the staff to carry out any investigations on your behalf. Once payment has been received the staff will begin to review our historic records and duly provide you with a detailed report for you to review.

Requests for copies of any subsequent documents identified on the report (e.g. Decisions etc) can then be purchased in accordance with our published fees and charges.

Please submit any requests via email to

Planning committees and other meetings

Monitor the Council Meetings pages for more up to date information.

Planning Enforcement

Planning enforcement continues albeit with increased numbers of complaints and high caseloads. There is new legislation to allow certain temporary changes of use to takeaways. We will inform you of our intended course of action when making an initial assessment of your complaint. Response times will again be longer than normal.

Page last reviewed: 08 November 2024