Adopted policies map

The adopted policies map shows the geographical extent of policies in the local plan. This includes the policies in the adopted Local Plan Strategy and Site Allocations and Development Policies Document plus the saved policies in the Cheshire Minerals Local Plan and the Cheshire Waste Local Plan. It also shows the areas of completed neighbourhood plans, but it does not show the policies contained within each of them.

In addition, the map shows a number of other designations that are referred to, but not defined by the local plan (such as flood zones, conservation areas and local nature reserves).

Local plan policies not shown on the map apply across the whole plan area (all of Cheshire East Borough, excluding the area within the Peak District National Park).

Quick guide to the adopted policies map

We have created a quick guide to the adopted policies map (PDF, 307KB) to explain the designations shown and the various features of the interactive map. This guide includes instructions on how to use the interactive map and provides the legend for reference.

Open the adopted policies map

Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024