Page last reviewed: 09 April 2024

Community Infrastructure Levy


The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge that can be used by local authorities to support the development of their area and allows them to raise funds from developers of new building projects. The money can be used to help fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed as a result of development.

CIL is charged as a fixed rate per square metre of new floor space. The rate is set by local authorities in consultation with local communities and developers, and is tested through an independent examination. It can be used as one funding mechanism to support the infrastructure proposals contained within the Local Plan Strategy.

The Cheshire East  CIL Charging Schedule has been prepared following an extensive period of consultation, engagement and examination. The final charging schedule takes account of the findings of the examiner’s Report of the Draft Cheshire East Council Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (PDF, 403KB) and was approved at the council meeting on 21 February 2019. It became operational from 01 March 2019.

Approved charging schedule

Only two types of development in Cheshire East are liable to pay a  CIL charge. These are housing (excluding affordable housing and apartments) and retail development at two specific locations (the Crewe Grand Junction and Handforth Dean retail parks). All other development has a zero  CIL charge for economic viability reasons.

Five different  CIL housing zones have been identified across the borough with a specific  CIL charge rate identified for each zone, varying from £0 to £71 per square metre. The charge at the retail parks identified above is £66 per square metre. The maps of the charging zones can be found in the appendices to the  CIL Charging Schedule, together with other information such as the instalments policy for paying  CIL and discretionary social housing relief.

The  CIL rates set out within the charging schedule are subject to indexation to take account of inflation and the council will periodically consider whether there is a need to undertake a review of these rates to reflect any changes in development viability in the borough, since they were approved.

Administering and reporting on  CIL receipts

Our annual Infrastructure Funding Statement summarises CIL and other developer contributions, projects funded, and projects we are planning or considering. 

Funds passed to town and parish councils

We pass on a proportion of the  CIL receipts received in an area to the relevant town or parish council. The proportion received will depend on whether a neighbourhood plan is in place at the time the development commences. In areas where there is no neighbourhood plan in place, the amount received will be 15% of the  CIL receipt up to an annual capped maximum of £100 per existing council tax dwelling. There is no cap in areas with a made neighbourhood plan and the amount received will be 25% of the  CIL receipt.

Our  CIL  guidance for town and parish councils (PDF, 167 KB) explains town and parish council responsibilities regarding the administration and use of  CIL money. 

Further information

For further information on the establishment or revision of the  CIL charge and the spending or reporting of  CIL receipts, contact the Strategic Planning Team on 01270 685893 or by email to

Further information on the operation of the Community Infrastructure Levy is available in the planning application section of the council's website, by contacting the council on 0300 123 5014, or by email to

Further information on the  CIL is also available in The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 and the Community Infrastructure Levy Planning Practice Guidance

Page last reviewed: 09 April 2024