Policy SC 2: Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities

In order to provide appropriate sports facilities for the communities of Cheshire East, the council will:

  1. Protect existing indoor and outdoor sports facilities, unless:


    1. They are proven to be surplus to need footnote 47; or
    2. Improved alternative provision footnote 48 will be created in a location well related to the functional requirements of the relocated use and its existing and future users.

And in all cases:

    1. The proposal would not result in the loss of an area important for its amenity or contribution to the character of the area in general; and
  1. Support new indoor and outdoor sports facilities where:
    1. They are readily accessible by public transport, walking and cycling; and
    2. The proposed facilities are of a type and scale appropriate to the size of the settlement; and
    3. Where they are listed in an action plan in any emerging or subsequently adopted Sports Strategy.
  2. Make sure that major residential developments contribute, through land assembly and / or financial contributions, to new or improved sports facilities where development will increase demand and/or there is a recognised shortage in the locality that would be exacerbated by the increase in demand arising from the development.


12.14 Publicly accessible urban open space, play and sports facilities all have a vital role to play in helping to promote more healthy lifestyles.

12.15 The existing outdoor and built sports facilities of the borough represent important assets serving the communities in which they are located and in some instances the wider area. This importance relates to their function and also the amenity value and the contribution these facilities make to providing green spaces within the area.

12.16 Any proposal affecting an indoor or outdoor sports facility will be judged in relation to any emerging or subsequently adopted Indoor Sports Strategy or Playing Pitch Strategy.

12.17 The type and scale of development appropriate to a settlement will depend upon a number of factors:

12.18 In terms of the development of appropriate facilities, this will be determined through evidence from the Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy process, other work with the community and sports bodies, to determine a particular club or community’s needs. The council is expected to introduce the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the balance between what monies are collected between Section 106 agreements (S106) and CIL will be part of this process. The level of contributions will be determined through the S106 and CIL setting agenda.

12.19 Policy SE 6 in the Sustainable Environment Chapter covers all outdoor open space such as parks, allotments and playing fields; open space standards and contributions.

Key Evidence

  1. Open Spaces Assessment
  2. Green Space Strategy
  3. Playing Pitch Strategy
  4. Indoor Sports Strategy.

(Footnote 47) As identified in an adopted and up to date Needs Assessment.

(Footnote 48) Improved alternative provision means a full quantity and quality replacement to accord with paragraph 74 of the NPPF and Sport England policy.

Policy information


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