Site LPS 44: Midpoint 18, Middlewich

The development at Midpoint 18 over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through a masterplan led approach with:

  1. Phased delivery of up to 70 hectares of employment land, including the development of the existing undeveloped sites: Midpoint 18 (Phases 1 to 3), with provision expected to continue for the remaining site beyond the plan period; and
  2. Provision of and where appropriate, contributions to the completion of the Middlewich Eastern Bypass.
  3. Provision of land set aside to enable the future construction of a new station – in terms of lineside infrastructure, parking and access.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. Maximising connectivity to new and existing areas of Middlewich.
  2. Contributions towards public transport and highways improvements.
  3. Contributions to education and heath infrastructure.
  4. Provision of floorspace to accommodate B1, B2 and B8 uses.
  5. Future development should safeguard the River Croco and other watercourses and deliver significant ecological mitigation areas for protected and priority species and habitats on site.
  6. A pre-determination desk based archaeological assessment will be required, with targeted evaluation as appropriate.


15.507 The future prosperity of Middlewich largely relies on its proximity to the M6 corridor and the ability to maximise the opportunities for new and more skilled jobs across a range of employment types. Strong access to the motorway network gives this site the potential to serve Cheshire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester and the Potteries within a one hour drive time.

15.508 Midpoint 18 is a large strategic employment site with a total area of some 221.7 hectares. It comprises an area of existing employment development of 100.7 hectares and an undeveloped area of 121 hectares. It is expected that up to 70 hectares of the undeveloped area will come forward within the plan period with the remainder in reserve to be released for employment purposes when required.  A masterplan led approach will be required for the development of this site. Provision of well planned cycle, pedestrian and road links within and through the site will enhance the sustainability of the site and its connections to the main urban area and population within Middlewich. Provision of new public transport services to this location will further enhance the sustainability of the site.

15.509 The site delivers a significant contribution to the Local Plan Strategy Objectives and Vision by promoting economic prosperity, contributing toward the creation of sustainable communities through the provision of a better employment / housing balance. The provision of land for a station and other on site infrastructure with good links to existing services and facilities in the town will ensure that the site is sustainable in the long term as well as help support the future vitality of such services within Middlewich. This should include the on-site identification of a new railway station for the town. If an alternative location for the railway station beyond the site is subsequently preferred, following detailed masterplanning work, then the development should contribute to its provision. 

15.510 Delivery of the site is expected to come forward throughout and beyond the plan period with the site capable of providing or making significant contributions to the delivery of the Middlewich Eastern Bypass,  a key piece of infrastructure vital to the future prosperity of Middlewich, Cheshire East and the wider region.

15.511 The site  is strategically important by virtue of its ability to deliver significant employment growth, maximise access to existing transport networks, provide contributions and/or the delivery of a new bypass and enhance the vitality of Middlewich through integrated connections to the town centre and residential areas.

Indicative Site Delivery

Policy information


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