Safeguarded Land LPS 59: Land at Upcast Lane / Cumber Lane, Wilmslow

  1. 15ha of safeguarded land footnote 93 .

Site Specific Principles of Development


15.685 This site is situated to the south-western edge of Wilmslow. Surrounding land uses include residential and open countryside.

15.686 Paragraph 85 of the NPPF requires authorities to identify safeguarded land to meet longer-term development needs beyond the plan period.

15.687 Development has encroached onto the north-west of the site, limiting its role in preventing urban sprawl, and there are strong boundaries to the south and west. It is well-connected to the existing settlement to the north and east, and would constitute a natural extension to Wilmslow.

15.688 There are a number of potential access points to this land which would enable it to be developed at a future point in time.

(Footnote 93) The site boundary as shown on the plan extends to 17ha but the area occupied by existing buildings and their curtilages on Moor Lane, Clay Lane and Leigh Road (2 ha) has been deducted from the total area of safeguarded land as these are existing buildings and may not be available for development in the future.

Policy information


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