Policy EMP 2: Employment allocations
- In addition to the new employment sites allocated through the LPS and SADPD, the following sites are allocated for business; industrial; and storage and distribution uses:
- Site EMP 2.1 'Weston Interchange, Crewe' (0.60 ha for E(g)/B2/B8 uses);
- Site EMP 2.2 'Meadow Bridge, Crewe' (0.43 ha for E(g) uses);
- Site EMP 2.3 'Hurdsfield Road, Macclesfield' (1.33 ha for E(g)/B2 uses);
- Site EMP 2.4 '61MU, Handforth' (4.92 ha for E(g)/B2/B8 uses);
- Site EMP 2.5 'Land rear of Handforth Dean Retail Park, Handforth' (2.64 ha for E(g)/B2/B8 uses);
- Site EMP 2.6 'New Farm, Middlewich' (7.83 ha for B2/B8 uses);
- Site EMP 2.7 'Land west of Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel' (2.30 ha for E(g)/B2/B8 uses); and
- Site EMP 2.8 'Land at British Salt, Middlewich' (7.05 ha for B2/B8 uses).
- Other ancillary uses may also be permitted on these sites, where they are compatible with the employment use of the site and are delivered as part of a comprehensive employment scheme.
- These employment allocations are shown on the adopted policies map and will be protected for employment use as set out in LPS Policy EG 3 ‘Existing and allocated employment sites’.
Supporting information
7.3 Under LPS Policy EG 3 ‘Existing and allocated employment sites’, there is a presumption that existing employment areas and allocated employment sites will be protected for employment use. In addition to new employment sites allocated through the LPS and SADPD, the existing employment land supply forms an important component of the overall employment land provision.
7.4 As required by LPS Policy EG 3, the remaining employment allocations from the saved policies of the former districts’ local plans have been reviewed and the sites listed in this policy are considered to be suitable for employment purposes, with a reasonable prospect of development during the plan period.
7.5 As demonstrated through the Employment Allocations Review (2020), each of these sites is considered to be suitable for employment development, although in some cases mitigation measures will be required. Planning applications for the development of these employment sites should take account of all other policies in the development plan and should submit evidence to demonstrate that mitigation measures proposed will address the impacts of development (for example through transport assessments, flood risk assessments, heritage impact assessments) as necessary. Particular issues that should be addressed through any future planning application include (but are not limited to):
Site EMP 2.3 'Hurdsfield Road, Macclesfield':
- A gravity sewer and clean water infrastructure crosses the site and a detailed constraints plan will be required to inform any future development layout.
- The area includes a former mill and gas works and a phase 1 and phase 2 contaminated land assessment would be required with any future planning application.
- The council is aware from BGS mineral resource mapping that the site is likely to contain shallow coal resources, as well as being part of a wider coal resource. The Coal Authority should be consulted on any planning application for the development of this site.
Site EMP 2.4 '61MU, Handforth':
- The site is part of a former Ministry of Defence site with known radiological issues and a phase 1 and phase 2 contaminated land assessment would be required with any future planning application.
Site EMP 2.6 'New Farm, Middlewich':
- A high pressure gas pipeline crosses the site and a detailed constraints plan will be required to inform any future development layout.
- The site triggers the impact risk zone for Sandbach Flashes SSSI. Any future application should be supported with appropriate evidence regarding any impacts, along with mitigation measures if required.
Site EMP 2.7 'Land west of Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel':
- The site includes water and wastewater infrastructure and a detailed constraints plan will be required to inform any future development layout.
Site EMP 2.8 'Land at British Salt, Middlewich':
- The site triggers the impact risk zone for Sandbach Flashes SSSI. Any future application should be supported with appropriate evidence regarding any impacts, along with mitigation measures if required.
Related documents
Policy information
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