Site HCH 1: Land east of London Road

Land east of London Road (6 ha) is allocated for employment development. Development proposals for the site must:

  1. retain the River Croco and provide an undeveloped 15 metres wide buffer zone to either side of the bank tops;
  2. provide an undeveloped landscape buffer on the northern section of the site, and appropriate buffers to the eastern and southern boundaries;
  3. retain and protect any mature trees;
  4. not prejudice the council's objectives to deliver a cycling route on the A50, which could link the site to the village centre;
  5. demonstrate through a noise impact assessment that residents in the vicinity of the site would not be unacceptably affected by noise from the proposed use; and
  6. undertake a Mineral Resource Assessment for sand and gravel, including silica sand.

Supporting information

12.76  This site, located to the southeast of Holmes Chapel, presents the opportunity for the delivery of a high quality employment site, with an emphasis on the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, and could include the expansion of the adjacent Recipharm pharmaceutical business enterprise.

12.77  There is potential for commonly encountered protected species to be present.

12.78  The site extends over the River Croco, providing additional connectivity between the proposed and existing site; an appropriate landscape buffer should be provided around this area as the boundary does not follow any identifiable features on the ground. Appropriate buffers should also be provided to the eastern and southern boundaries to help filter views of the site.

12.79  The cycling route could be a cycle lane or a shared use footway/cycleway.

12.80  The council is aware from BGS mineral resource mapping that the site is likely to contain sand and gravel, and silica sand resources, as well as being part of a wider adjoining sand resource. As sand is a finite resource essential to support economic growth, it is considered to be of local and national importance in planning policy terms. In line with LPS Policy SE 10 ‘Sustainable provision of minerals’ and national guidance on mineral safeguarding, the council will require the applicant to submit a Mineral Resource Assessment as part of any application to provide information on the feasibility of prior extraction of the mineral resource before the proposed development proceeds and the sterilisation potential that the proposed development will have on any future extraction of the wider resource. The Mineral Resource Assessment should be of a standard acceptable to the council, as the minerals planning authority, and undertaken by a suitably competent person with appropriate qualifications or professional background, such as a minerals surveyor. The findings of the Mineral Resource Assessment will be an important planning consideration in the determination of any planning application for the development of this site.

12.81  Further information on Mineral Resource Assessments can be found in the Minerals Safeguarding Practice Guidance v1.4 (PDF, 299KB) (2019, The Mineral Products Association & The Planning Officers Society).

Policy information


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