Policy HER 1: Heritage assets

  1. All proposals affecting heritage assets and their settings must be accompanied by proportionate information that assesses and describes their impact on the asset’s significance. This must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the significance of the heritage asset and its setting, including (but not limited to) its historic form, fabric, character, archaeology and any other aspects that contribute to its significance. This should have regard to and reference, where relevant:
    1. the Cheshire Historic Environment Record;
    2. relevant conservation area appraisals;
    3. the Cheshire Historic Landscape Assessment;
    4. the Cheshire Historic Towns Survey;
    5. national sources; and
    6. original survey and field evaluation.
  2. Where works of structural alteration to a heritage asset are proposed, the application must be accompanied by an adequate structural engineer’s report and method statement of the impact of the works and how it will be carried out.

Supporting information

5.2 Heritage assets include conservation areas; listed buildings; scheduled monuments; registered parks and gardens; registered battlefields; world heritage sites; areas of archaeological interest; locally listed buildings; other locally important assets not on the local list; locally significant historic parks and gardens; and other locally important heritage landscapes.

5.3 Great weight must be given to the conservation of heritage assets. The more significant the asset, the greater the weight that must be given to its conservation. Crucial to the conservation and enhancement of heritage assets is an understanding of what makes them significant, and how the setting contributes to that significance.

5.4 Significance is the value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. The interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its setting. For a world heritage site, the cultural value described within its statement of outstanding universal value forms part of this significance. Significance can relate to a single asset such as a building or archaeological site, or a larger historic area such as a whole village or landscape.

5.5 Designated heritage assets such as conservation areas, listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered parks and gardens, registered battlefields and world heritage sites can make a significant contribution to local character and are statutorily protected from development that is inappropriate in scale, design, materials, details and form.

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Policy information


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