Policy HER 4: Listed buildings

  1. When considering development proposals or works affecting a listed building, including alterations, extensions and changes of use, in line with its statutory duty, the council will have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building, its setting and any features of special architectural or historic interest that it possesses.
  2. Proposals involving loss of or substantial harm to the significance of a listed building or structure will normally be refused, unless it can be demonstrated that this is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits, which outweigh the harm, or the other circumstances in paragraph 201 of the NPPF (2021) apply. The council considers the demolition of listed buildings or structures to amount to substantial harm.
  3. Where a proposal would lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a listed building, the harm will be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable alternative use. The council will normally support proposals for the change of use or conversion of a listed building where the use secured is consistent with the preservation of its heritage significance.

Supporting information

5.20 LPS Policy SE 7 ‘The historic environment’ seeks to make sure that development proposals protect, preserve and (wherever possible) enhance listed buildings. Development will be required to respect and respond positively to listed buildings and their settings and features of special interest, avoiding loss or harm to their significance, unless this is outweighed by public benefits.

5.21 There are around 2,638 listed buildings in Cheshire East, which form an important part of the borough's heritage. Alterations to listed buildings must be sympathetic and maintain the architectural and historic integrity of the buildings and their settings. The listed buildings are/will be identified on the borough list held by Historic England.

5.22 Where applications for alteration (or, exceptionally, demolition) of listed buildings are approved, conditions will be attached to require the recording of the buildings prior to works taking place, in accordance with Historic England guidance on recording buildings.

5.23 In the cases where, exceptionally, demolition is permitted, conditions will also be attached regarding the storage of materials and features for their re-use, and requiring no demolition to take place until a scheme for redevelopment has been approved and a contract for the works has been made. This will also apply to any curtilage buildings of the listed building or structures.

5.24 Heritage assets are irreplaceable. All development should seek to avoid harm to heritage assets and their settings. The setting of a heritage asset includes adjacent development and the wider surroundings. This may relate to landscaping, trees, open spaces and other features that add to the significance of the site or structure.

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