Policy HER 8: Archaeology 

  1. Development proposals affecting a scheduled monument or an archaeological site of national significance, which is demonstrably of equivalent significance to a scheduled monument, should be considered subject to the policies for designated heritage assets in national policy and LPS Policy SE 7 'The historic environment'. Proposals should preserve those elements that contribute to its significance.
  2. Proposals affecting areas of archaeological interest (including areas of archaeological potential and sites of less than national importance) will be considered against Policy HER 7 'Non-designated heritage assets'. Proposals will be expected to conserve those elements that contribute to the asset’s significance in line with the importance of the remains. Where proposals affecting such sites are acceptable in principle, the preservation of the remains in situ is the preferred solution to mitigate damage. When in situ preservation is not possible, the developer will be required to make adequate provision for excavation and recording before or during development. Subsequent analysis, publication and dissemination of the findings will be required to be submitted to the council and deposited with the Historic Environment Record.
  3. Applications must be accompanied by an appropriate archaeological assessment, which includes information on the significance of the heritage asset, including the extent, character and condition of the archaeological resource. The significance of the archaeological remains should be assessed, as should the likely impact of the development on the archaeological remains. Where the existing information is not sufficient to allow such an assessment to be made, a field evaluation prior to determination of the planning application may be required.

Supporting information

5.31  Archaeological remains are a valuable, but fragile, part of our heritage, and once destroyed they can never be replaced. Such remains include not just finds, but also traces of buildings, layers of soil and entire landscapes. Depending on the nature of the proposed development and the significance of the asset, it may be appropriate for pre-determination archaeological work to be carried out (such as desk based archaeological assessment or a programme of field evaluation) and the results submitted as a report in support of a planning application. The report will assist in establishing the level of harm to the significance of any heritage assets and help identify what mitigation is required to minimise or remove the harm.

5.32  Where necessary to minimise the harm to archaeological heritage assets, conditions requiring a programme of archaeological mitigation will be attached to permissions. These may include requirements for detailed agreement concerning ground impacts and programmes of archaeological investigation, building recording, reporting and archiving.

5.33  The Cheshire Archaeology Planning Advisory Service can provide specifications for archaeological work, monitor archaeological fieldwork and post-excavation programmes and advise on the discharge of archaeological conditions. The results of any archaeological investigations and recording should be deposited with the Cheshire Historic Environment Record.

Related documents 

Policy information


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