Policy INF 9: Utilities

  1. All development proposals should demonstrate that the infrastructure capacity for surface water disposal, water supply, wastewater treatment, gas and electricity will be sufficient to meet forecast demands arising from them and that appropriate connections can be made. For major schemes this will require a site wide utilities master plan to establish principles during the construction process and early liaison with infrastructure providers.
  2. The utility network should be protected and development proposals that would unacceptably encroach on or compromise existing utilities infrastructure will be refused. Opportunities should be sought to safeguard the provision of utilities.

Supporting information

10.24 Utility networks consist of water, waste, electricity, gas, and telecommunication systems. These are also covered in other related SADPD polices:

10.25 This policy supplements LPS Policy IN 1 'Infrastructure'. The provision of adequate utilities infrastructure is essential to deliver the planned sustainable growth set out in the LPS.

10.26 Utilities provision and connections on large sites, which will take several years to build out, should be planned in a comprehensive way between phases and developers. For example, developers should have a comprehensive and joined up approach towards foul and surface water drainage on both early and later phases across a larger site, and aim to avoid a proliferation of pumping stations.

Policy information


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