Policy RET 8: Residential accommodation in the town centre

  1. The provision of additional residential accommodation in principal town centres and town centres, as defined on the adopted policies map, will be supported in principle, including through:
    1. the conversion of under-utilised upper floors of commercial buildings into flats;
    2. the inclusion of new homes as part of town centre mixed-use development schemes; and
    3. the redevelopment of existing sites, including car parks, where the requirements of Policy INF 2 'Public car parks' are suitably addressed.
  2. In line with Policy ENV 15 'New development and existing uses', proposals for new residential accommodation in the town centre should be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities.
  3. Proposals for residential accommodation in the town centre should ensure:
    1. appropriate and safe access arrangements;
    2. secure, well designed and accessible cycle parking; and
    3. appropriate and well located waste and recycling facilities.

Supporting information

9.36 Town centre living can be beneficial to residents in terms of access to services and facilities. It also adds to the vitality of town centres, through providing additional surveillance and supporting the evening economy.

9.37 Proposals for new residential uses in town centre environments should be effectively integrated with existing business and community facilities in line with the agent of change principle set out in Policy ENV 15 'New development and existing uses'.

9.38 The council will support, where appropriate, the conversion of under utilised upper floors of commercial premises into flats where the proposal would provide an acceptable standard of accommodation with satisfactory access. Any alterations that are required to the front of the premises will be resisted where they would be detrimental to the appearance and character of the building, particularly where the proposed development is in a conservation area or affects a building of special architectural or historic interest.

9.39 Other policies in the development plan may also have relevance to the achievement of suitable residential development in the town centre; particularly relating to access, parking, design and amenity. Proposals for new residential uses in the primary shopping area, as defined on the adopted policies map, should also consider the requirements of Policy RET 7 'Supporting the vitality of town and retail centres' to make sure that the primary shopping area remains the focus for retail uses in town centres to support their vitality and viability.

Policy information


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