Page last reviewed: 07 November 2018

Example Comments

Objection Example

I write to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:

  1. Design
    The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings on Smith Avenue are bungalow properties whereas the proposal is for two storey properties.
  2. Privacy
    One of the proposed dwellings would have a bedroom window approximately 10 metres from my only living room window. This would lead to a significant reduction in privacy at my property.
  3. Trees
    The proposal would result in the removal of several TPO trees which contribute to the visual amenity of the area. The removal of these trees would detrimentally impact upon Smith Avenues character and appearance.

I therefore consider that the proposal is contrary to policies A, B, and C of the local plan and request that the planning application is refused.

Support Example

I write to give full support to the above planning application.

The proposal would bring a derelict site back into positive use which would benefit the area. The removal of the existing buildings would improve the visual appearance of the area as the buildings are in significant disrepair.

In addition, the proposed dwellings would overlook an area of public open space which I believe would increase natural surveillance of the area and would deter anti-social behaviour.

Page last reviewed: 07 November 2018