Page last reviewed: 11 November 2022

Pre Planning Application Meeting Service

Our Pre-planning Application Meeting Service is for ‘medium-sized’ schemes (6-19 residential units or approximately 500-1999 sqm of commercial development)

It is not suitable for:

  • complex cases that raise significant planning concerns
  • householder applications,
  • replacement dwelling applications,
  • minor operations,
  • major developments (20+ residential units or 2000+ sqm or more of commercial floorspace), see the Development Team Service

Minimum information required for a Pre-Application Meeting Service

The Council will require sufficient information to enable a quality advice service to be provided. This includes:

  • A description of the proposed development.
  • Photographs and / or sketch drawings showing the site, buildings and trees as existing.
  • Outline of proposal (on plans scale 1:50 or 1:100).
  • Sketch drawings showing the size, height and scale of development.

Further specialised information may be required for such schemes. This will be scrutinised by the planning case officer who will be allocated to your scheme. The case officer will advise on any further information that is required on receipt of the pre-application request.

The officer will visit the site, research the planning history and carry out any internal consultations that are necessary.

A meeting will follow with the officer where your draft planning application will be discussed, and advice will be given. A letter from the planning case officer will follow the meeting within 10 working days (if requested by the applicant) setting out our advice.

Generally, the more information you can give us the more assistance we can give you in developing your proposals and making your application.

Usually the service will involve the planning case officer only.

If you wish officers from other service areas within the Council to be involved in the pre-application meeting then you should indicate this on the application form. An additional charge will be made for the involvement of each additional officer. Whilst you may request the involvement of other officers, the Council retains absolute discretion as to who is involved in delivering the service.

To access the service you need to submit a completed application form indicating that this is the service that you require. When we receive your request we will screen your proposals to check that they are suitable for this level of service and invoice you for the charge. We will respond to your application within 10 working days.

How to apply

Send completed forms with accompanying plans and documents to:


The charge for the service is £850 per meeting (plus £180 for each additional officer involved), which we must receive before any research, consultation or meeting takes place. A refund cannot be given if you subsequently cancel the meeting, as preparatory work would have already taken place.

  • Credit Card payments can be made by phoning 0300 123 5014
  • Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to ‘Cheshire East Council’

Page last reviewed: 11 November 2022