Transport compliments and complaints

Ansa Transport is committed to providing a high quality service. However, there may be times when you feel that we haven't got it right. We want to listen and learn from what you have to say. Your comments, good or bad are welcomed.

Bus service complaints

The majority of bus services in Cheshire East are operated on a commercial basis without financial support from Cheshire East Council and as such the Council has no jurisdiction over their operation.

You can send your complaint to the operator of the bus service including

  • copy of your ticket
  • service number
  • date and time of the journey
  • driver name
  • bus registration number

Bus operators and complaints

Contact the operator by phone or their website for further information.

If you do not receive a reply or your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you can contact Transport Focus or Bus Users UK.

Supported services

Cheshire East Council demands high standards of service from its contractors. We may issue warnings or terminate contracts early if there are persistent problems.

Use the contact details below to report any problems with Council contracted services:

Ansa Transport
Cledford Lane
CW10 0JN

0300 123 5020 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.

Traffic Commissioner / DVSA complaints

You can make a complaint about the standard of bus and coach operators, particularly on

  • safety and vehicle maintenance
  • punctuality of local bus services - the Traffic Commissioners expect all bus operators to run their services reliably and on time. This means that 95 per cent of services should depart no more than one minute early and no more than five minutes late.

Bus operators must register local services they intend to operate with the traffic Commissioner. The service registration must include notification of the route to be undertaken together with a copy of the scheduled timetable. Bus operators are legally obliged to run to the registered timetable submitted to the Traffic Commissioner. Failure to do so should be reported to the Traffic Commissioner for the North West (address below). The Traffic Commissioner has powers to investigate the complaint and impose sanctions on operators who fail to run their registered services to the required standard.

Traffic Commissioner for the North West
Beverley Bell
Suite 4
Stone Cross Place
Stone Cross Lane

Bus stop or shelter damage

Responsibility for the maintenance of a bus shelter can fall with either Cheshire East Council or the parish council, depending on which authority provides and owns it. For more information see our bus shelters and stops page or tell us about any damage using our online form. It will take 5 minutes to complete.

Contact us about bus stops and timetable displays

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Contact us

ANSA Transport

For Bus and Train times call Traveline 0871 200 22 33 calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company's access charge.

The English Traveline call centre opening hours are 7am to 8pm most days. You can find full details on Traveline's website.

Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024