Page last reviewed: 22 August 2022

Infant class size rules

The law states that where most of the children are 7 or under, a single teacher can normally teach no more than 30 children. An extra place will only be agreed if one of the following applies:

  • a child starting at a time other than September in reception has an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school
  • a cared-for or previously cared-for child starting at a time other than September in reception needs a place  
  • a child did not get a place because the local authority or other school admissions authority made a mistake
  • an appeal panel says the school must take the child
  • a child of UK service personnel needs a place other than for starting a reception class in September
  • a child who has moved into the area needs a place other than for starting reception class in September and there is no other available school within a reasonable distance
  • a child applying to start a reception class in September has a twin or other sibling from a multiple birth
  • a child with special educational needs who is normally taught in a special needs unit at the school or registered at a special school, but who attends some infant classes at the mainstream school

You can make an appeal if you do not get a place because of infant class size rules. But most infant class size appeals do not succeed.


Page last reviewed: 22 August 2022