Changing schools 

Changing schools because of a house move

See in-year applications if you need to change schools because of a house move.

Changing schools for reasons other than a house move

If you're not moving house but thinking of changing schools, it's important to be sure that a school move is the best choice. Research shows children who move schools may not do as well in exams as those who do not.

Think about:

  • how your child will manage in a new school - they will have to make new friends and cope with new rules and new ways of doing things 
  • whether they will miss out on important lessons (or have to cover the same material twice) because the new school teaches topics in a different order
  • whether the child has started studying chosen exam option subjects - children at this stage should stay at the same school if possible, because they may not be able to do the same subjects of the same courses at a new school

If the move means you will have children at different schools, it's also important to think about:

  • how a change of school for one child will affect the children who do not change school
  • whether the schools may have different holiday dates
  • how the children will get to and from school 
  • how you will fit in school events at different schools

Talk to the current school first

Talk to the current school before you make a decision. They may be able to resolve any issues so your child can stay. 

Speak to the form teacher first. If you are still not happy, you can contact the head of year (in a secondary school) and then the head teacher. You may also write to the chair of the school's governing body.

Extra support to find a new school place

Some groups of children are eligible for extra support from us to find a new school place when they are changing schools - see Fair Access Protocol.

Where the school and the parents agree a child needs a fresh start at a different school, the school may suggest a managed move.

Applying to change schools

If you are sure you want to change schools, you should make an in-year application.

Page last reviewed: 12 February 2025