Page last reviewed: 17 January 2022

School waiting lists

For starting school in Reception in September or year 7, you can ask to go on one or more school waiting lists if you are not happy with the school place offer you get. Waiting lists do not apply for applications made to start school at other times (in year applications). 

To ask to go on a waiting list, email the school admissions team.

You can still make an appeal if you are on a waiting list.

How waiting lists work

Schools allocate places to children on the waiting list using their admissions policies rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. Admissions for children being found places through the Fair Access Protocol are treated differently.

Most schools (including schools for which we are the admissions authority) only keep children on the waiting list for 1 term. This means for example that children who applied for September will be taken off the waiting list on 31 December. After this date applications will follow the process for in year applications. 

Waiting lists include:

  • children who have made an appeal application
  • children who applied after the deadline
  • any others who have asked to be on the list


Page last reviewed: 17 January 2022