Page last reviewed: 27 November 2019

Equality Resources for Schools

Guidance, good practice and resources to support schools in preparing to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED.)

Publication of Information

There is no prescribed format for publishing information and it is for the school to decide in what format they publish equality information. For most schools, the simplest approach may be to set up an equalities page on their website where all the information is present or links to it are available.

Equality Objectives

Schools are free to choose the equality objectives that best suit their individual circumstances and contribute to the welfare of their pupils and the school community. Objectives are intended to be specific and measurable and should be used as a tool to help improve the school experience of a range of different pupils. A school should set as many objectives as it believes are appropriate to its size and circumstances; the objectives should fit the school’s needs and should be achievable.

Equality Policies

Equality Policies are statements of intent detailing a schools understanding and commitment to fair and equitable outcomes for all of the school community.

An equality policy sets out the accepted standard and principles by which the school conducts itself. For example, in recruitment and selection processes, and in addressing bullying and prejudice related incidents. It should make clear the responsibilities of every member of the school community in ensuring equality of opportunity is realised for all and the process for addressing issues when they arise.

Schools should develop and publish a statement of overall policy and principles which encompasses all of the ‘protected characteristics’ relevant to school settings. 


In tackling equality issues, schools should consult and engage with parents, pupils, staff, members of the local community and with people who have special knowledge which can inform the school’s approach. For example, disability equality groups and other relevant special interest groups.

Engagement will improve the quality of information that schools use to set objectives, make decisions and identify the impact of their decision-making in equality groups.

Further Information

Related websites

Page last reviewed: 27 November 2019