Page last reviewed: 11 November 2024

Governors' responsibilities for cared for children and previously cared for children

The Virtual School 'opened' in September 2010 and takes the lead in ensuring the Council meets its statutory duty to ensure that the educational outcomes for all Cared for and previously cared for Children are the best they can be. Information on the role of the Virtual School can be found here.

As part of the arrangements for monitoring the progress and achievement of vulnerable groups of learners, including Cared for and previously cared for children, governing boards should receive regular reports including an annual report from the Designated Teacher, that should cover; 

  • levels of progress made by cared for and previously cared for  children who are currently or have been on roll within the past twelve months in relation to all children in the school (educational, social and emotional progress);
  • a summary of applications, admissions, attendance and exclusions for cared for and previously cared for children and if this is different to that of all children;
  • any process or planning issues arising from personal education plans (PEPs);
  • whether any are identified as gifted and talented and how those needs are being met;
  • whether any have special educational needs (SEN) and whether those needs are being me through statements or School Action or School Action Plus;
  • how the teaching and learning needs of cared for and previously cared for children are reflected in school development plans and are being met in relation to interventions and resources;
  • how the needs of cared for/previously cared for are considered and reflected  into school policies, for example charging, behaviour and after school clubs  and the impact of these;
  •  the impact of any of the school’s policies, for example on charging for educational visits and extended school activities, on cared for and previously cared for children;
  • how the Designated Teacher has maintained their knowledge and understanding about the education and well-being of cared for children and previously cared for and how this has been cascaded  to colleagues, including awareness of attachment issues  and trauma;
  • work with Virtual School Heads of Local Authorities who care for children on roll
  • any workload issues arising as a result of the number of cared for and previously cared for children on roll at the school and the number of Local Authorities which are involved.

For confidentiality, the report must not mention individual children by name.

Further guidance

Contact us

School Governance Team

0300 123 5036

School Governance
Floor 1, Delamere House
Delamere Street

Page last reviewed: 11 November 2024