Schools Forum 2020
Schools’ Forum December 2020
Agenda and papers for this meeting.
Election of Primary Maintained Governor Representative 2020
Supporting Statements for the Candidates
Schools Funding Formula Consultation 2021/22
The consultation on the funding formula for 2021/22 will run from 12 November to 27 November.
Details on the two models being consulted on are set out below:
Schools Block Formula Working Group 2020
Schools’ Forum October 2020
Agenda and papers for the meeting on 1 October 2020
Schools’ Forum June 2020
Please find below the agenda and papers for the meeting on 11 June 2020.
Summary of Covid-19 Funding Guidance for Schools
Revised School Funding levels for 2020/21
Following advice from the DFE that the high needs transfer cannot be made, £1.1m of additional funding will be allocated to schools in 2020/21. A meeting was held on 19 February 2020 with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families and school representatives to determine how this additional funding should be allocated.
Several options were considered and the agreed approach was to use the low-cost high incidence formula factor to support schools with higher levels of special educational needs.
Subject to any further comments from the DFE these figures will be used for 2020/21.
Schools’ Forum February 2020
Please find below the agenda and papers for the meeting on 6 February 2020.
Page last reviewed: 15 April 2021
Thank you for your feedback.