Page last reviewed: 01 November 2024

Developer contributions to school provision

Developer contributions are means of mitigating the impact of new developments on local infrastructure. As a service we would seek developer contributions towards education provision, should a new development generate a need for additional school places.

On the 11 March 2024 the Council’s  Environment and Communities Committee approved the Guidance on Developer Contributions for Education as part of Cheshire East’s Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning DocumentThis is aligned with the Department for Education’s guidance for Securing Developer Contributions (August 2023) and Local Authority scorecards. 

The Guidance and Policy Guidance on Developer Contributions for Education has been implemented with immediate effect. This means any planning applications received by the Council after 11 March 2024 will be assessed using the new methodology and costings. Any applications that were assessed for contributions prior to the 11 March 2024 but have not yet been approved,  will not be re-assessed with the new yields and costs. However, should the Planning department submit a new consultation period for an application then a new assessment will be carried out under the advice held in the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This is also the same for any applications that have already been approved; if a variation is received and a new assessment is required, this will be done in accordance with the SPD.


Cheshire East Council staff are always wiling to provide advice on a "Without Prejudice" basis. Contact for further advice.

Page last reviewed: 01 November 2024