Page last reviewed: 05 May 2022

Kingsley Fields Development, Nantwich, Cheshire - 1 Form of Entry New Primary School

The Kingsley Fields Development is a strategic site within the Cheshire East Council Local Plan for 1,100 new dwellings with the inclusion of a 1 Form of Entry primary school. 

As the strategic commissioner of school places, Cheshire East Council has a statutory duty to ensure a sufficiency of school places for children resident in its area and a commitment to allow local children to attend their local school wherever possible. These additional places will be provided by the establishment of a new 1 Form of Entry primary school due to open September 2024. 

The new provision aims to provide school places for children in the heart of the new community, this will lessen pressures for oversubscribed schools in Nantwich Town planning area. This will also aim to reduce the need to travel across the town therefore alleviate any additional traffic. 

The free school presumption process to identify and obtain agreement for a new school sponsor under section 6A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. The service has already met with Department for Education (DfE) officials to ensure that compliance with national processes is achieved. The meetings with the DfE  will continue as different stage are reached prior to actual opening of the school. 

Cheshire East Council is inviting expressions of interest from Academy Trusts interested in sponsoring a new 210 place primary school in Nantwich. 

10 July- Application Process Closed 

The window for submitting expressions of interest from Academy Trusts to sponsor a new 210 place primary school has now closed. 


Page last reviewed: 05 May 2022