Poynton High School transport
For details of Poynton High school bus services including timetables, see the school's website - Poynton High School transport.
Students must have a travel pass available to show the driver. Travel pass checks will be carried out throughout the school year.
Apply for Poynton School transport
Apply by:
Phone: 0300 123 5012
Apply for School transport
Pay for your travel pass
Cost of the travel pass
The costs for 2024 / 2025 are:
- nothing or a reduced price if your child is eligible for free or subsidised transport
- £250 for term 1 or £125 per half a term
- £250 for term 2 or £125 per half a term
- £200 for term 3 or £100 per half a term
- £700 per year
This is the equivalent of £3.68 per day.
Benefits of having a travel pass
- pay for bus fares before your child travels
- no need to find the correct bus fare every day
- children can board the bus more quickly, keeping buses on time
Page last reviewed: 20 February 2025
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