Page last reviewed: 07 April 2021

Safety on school transport 

We make a number of checks on the vehicles, drivers and passenger assistants (people who give extra support to individuals with additional needs) we use for school transport services.

We also have a code of conduct that all drivers and passenger assistants must follow.

Safety checks on vehicles

Basic safety issues such as tyre pressure are checked routinely. 

In addition, we make particular checks on vehicles subject to high demand, such as buses that transport a large number of high school pupils. 

We also check for the safe transport of child seat and wheelchair users. Before a wheelchair user travels in a vehicle for the first time, we carry out a wheelchair assessment.

Background checks and training for drivers and passenger assistants

All drivers and passenger assistants must have an enhanced  DBS check and complete an  NSPCC safeguarding course. 

We arrange for further training as needed where drivers and  PAs are working with individual children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We also make sure the transport will be appropriate

Some specialist schools provide additional training for drivers, and we encourage drivers to attend.

Where we use taxis, we use only licensed taxi operators who have passed strict checks as part of their application for a licence.

Transport operator code of conduct

All drivers and passenger assistants must follow our transport operator code of conduct. 

Drivers and passenger assistants must not:

  • swear or make remarks which could be judged to be inappropriate in any way, including those that are personal, sexual, or racist
  • smoke (including the use of e/vapour devices), or allow any other person to smoke in the vehicle at any time, or outside the vehicle whilst loading/unloading passengers
  • drink alcohol during contracted journeys, or at any time beforehand on the same day (even if they stay below the legal alcohol limit for driving). They must also take into account that alcohol from drinking the day before can remain in the bloodstream for up to 24 hours, and any alcohol can affect concentration, reaction times and judgement
  • drive whilst under the influence of any substances or medication that could affect driving ability, including prescription drugs when advised it is not safe to do so by the GP
  • manhandle any passenger or act in a manner that may be misconstrued
  • hug, hold, cuddle, tickle or have any unnecessary physical contact with any passenger
  • enter into horseplay with any passenger, on or off the vehicle
  • discuss anything of a personal or intimate nature with passengers
  • make any personal remark about, or to, a passenger, even if it is complementary
  • call any passenger by a nickname, pet name or endearment such as love or darling 
  • give or receive passengers’ gifts or send them cards, letters or text messages, for example. for birthday, Easter, Christmas
  • exchange phone numbers, email addresses, social media sites, social or personal details with passengers
  • take photographs of any passenger
  • handle any money on behalf of passengers
  • enter a passenger's home 
  • deviate from the contracted route or drop-off or pick up from anywhere other than the specified locations
  • carry any passengers other than those specified
  • have any social contact with passengers (unless they are already a family friend and have the appropriate consent from parents or carers)

Drivers and passenger assistants MUST:

  • maintain professional boundaries at all times, specifically including safeguarding responsibilities
  • report any suspicious circumstances or conditions relating to their passengers (for example, bruising, neglected appearance, persistent lateness)
  • wear their identity badges at all times - if working with wheelchairs or passengers with challenging behaviour, consider exchanging the strap for a badge with a clip; otherwise remove the badge and keep it in a pocket. 
  • be smart and tidy in appearance
  • be polite and courteous to all passengers’ parents and carers, pupils travelling and other road users
  • drive in a considerate manner at all times and avoid sharp braking, fast cornering and harsh acceleration which can be unnerving for passengers
  • inform their employer and the  DVLA If they have any medical condition that may affect their ability to drive (in accordance with the Road Traffic Act 1998)
  • drivers are to present their driving licence to their manager every six months for checks
  • ensure that high visibility vests are readily available in the event of hazardous situations (loading or unloading passengers) or emergencies

The code of conduct applies to all passengers, but particular consideration should be given when transporting children and vulnerable adults.

If you have concerns or questions

Contact the school transport team if you have questions or concerns about safety.


Phone: 01270 371 485 or 01270 371 496 

Page last reviewed: 07 April 2021